Released 20/10/2018The towering Necron Overlord known as Ankra the Colossus never forgives a slight, and as he possesses a body of immortal metal, has...
Released 17/11/18Crasker Matterzhek of the Elevated Siblings bears the standard of his kindred, a sacred duty given to him by Primus Desh. The icon of...
Released 20/10/2018Feodor Lasko is despised by thousands of Astra Militarum in the Vigilus System, for he has a reputation for making callous, spur-of...
Released 17/11/18The bioform codified by the Inquisition as Nemesis 9 Tyrantis is a true horror. It prizes terror so highly it likes to leave one prey...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopThese miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assemblyBlades of Khaine are elite Asuryani fighting formations a...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopReleased 10/09/2022Once soldiers of the Astra Militarum, these brutal killers have rebelled against the Imperium, hee...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopThe Voidscarred are hardened veterans of a life of piracy. These Corsairs have travelled the stars for centuries, and...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopReleased 10/09/2022Rogue Traders are merchants of death and explorers of the unknown, each granted powers and respons...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopThe Adeptus Arbites enforce the Imperium's laws without exception or mercy. Exaction Squads are formed of only the mo...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopKroot Farstalkers are experienced explorers and savvy mercenaries, roaming the galaxy in search of exotic prey and pl...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopBeastmen are an abhuman subspecies, condemned across the Imperium as unclean mutants. Embittered by their persecution...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopReleased 10/09/2022Foul warbands afflicted by a gruesome techno-organic plague, the Gellerpox Infected are nightmaris...
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