Released 8/10/2022Highly skilled and agile, Amazons are among the very best players of Nuffle’s sacred game. These warrior-athletes possess an excepti...
Black Orcs have been splitting off and forming their own teams for years now. Smarter, stronger, and more serious than their kin, they were tired of s...
Snotlings have long admired the game of Blood Bowl from the sidelines, but rarely have they taken to the pitch for… obvious reasons. Well all that’s a...
Ogres are natural Blood Bowl players, with a long tradition of playing for other teams who can afford to feed them (woe betide the coach who fails to ...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopThese miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assemblyGnomes are something of an enigma in the world of Blood B...
New as supplied by Games WorkshopThese miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assemblyGnomes frankly have a tough time winning a game of Blood ...
The Greenfield Grasshuggers are one of the most esteemed teams in the game. After all, who doesn't love an underdog? Formed back in 2418, these eager ...
Griff Oberwald is amongst the greatest Human players to ever step onto the gridiron. Certainly, whenever the discussion of ‘greatest player ever’ crop...
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