Starter Deck includes 50cards and 1 Leader card as a deck style to start the game, 1 play sheet and 1 play manual. Includes 5 starter deck-exclusive c...
“Raising” & “Evolving” hold the keys to victory, just like the original story! Contains various types of illustrations sure to satisfy DIGIMON col...
Digimon: The Card Game is a brand new TCG which lets players delve straight back into the world of Digimon.Craft your decks and utilise all the famili...
The Digimon Card Game is a competitive trading card game.Each player has a companion Digimon in the battle area to attack the opponent.Your Digimon ev...
The Digimon Card Game is a competitive trading card game.Each player has a companion Digimon in the battle area to attack the opponent.Your Digimon ev...
The Digimon Card Game is a competitive trading card game.Each player has a companion Digimon in the battle area to attack the opponent.Your Digimon ev...
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